Terms and Conditions

Welcome to EVin.report, which EVin EVin Reports (“we,” “us,” “our”) owns. To remain on this site and access its features, we ask that you agree to comply with our Terms of Service.

Accuracy of information
EVin depends on the accuracy and reliability of information from its sources. Digital Space LLC receives information from sources such as the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other information providers from companies, agencies, or any form of official legal entity. Digital Space LLC or its representatives do not take responsibility for the information contained in the generated reports.

Limitation of Liability
EVin and its respective representatives are not responsible for any consequential damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, non-contractual damages, resulting from the use of the information provided on the website. It shall also not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused by the use of the website, even in the event of technical interruption, defect, cancellation/suspension of operation, computer virus, or system failure.

Use of the website
The information on the website is intended for the personal use of users only. Unauthorized use of website and system (including non-existent name and code) is strictly prohibited.

Intellectual property
The website, its content, structure and design are fully or partially copyrighted by EVin. The exclusive rights of EVin also extend to any object of intellectual property created and registered by it, including its trademarks. Copyright (©) and other intellectual property rights apply to this website and its content. For more information, please write to us: contact@evin.report