
How we use your data

We protect the confidentiality of data and do not use data illegally, it is used only to provide service and information

What we use your data for

To provide you with products and to send you interesting news

Security of your data

The data (if any) will be stored in the database and will not be transferred to a third party except as required by law


We monitor the behavior of users of our site using the so-called By means of "cookies" in order to make it easier for visitors to use the site and improve its quality. "Cookies" are small files that are stored on the user's computer, tablet, or mobile device when visiting the site. They remain on your device and return to the site when you visit the same address again

Your rights

You can receive information about you at the e-mail with which the service was purchased

How long we keep your data

We keep your data for the duration of the service

How to contact us

Write to us: